A Desire Caught the Wind One Day

ascension awakening channeled messages channeled transmission joyandjonah poem spirituality May 07, 2023

A Desire Caught the Wind One Day

A desire caught the wind one day,

And my soul got wings to play.

A pull from the Light to the shadow

And the One became “I” who wandered here for a time.

Lost, but somehow always found.

The Light followed, never left my side.

Determined, patient, whispering.

Gentle invitations to return home.

This world is a shadow box,

We dance for amusement,

We play in its pain,

We hope to stay forever.

A pull from the shadow to the Infinite Light

And "I" began to remember the One.

A desire caught the wind one day,

And my soul got wings to play.


- Joy (Jonah) Kingsborough

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