Clarity of Purpose Arises

mystic messages Feb 24, 2022

February 25, 2022 - Clarity of Purpose Arises

Good Morning Lovebugs,
Today your mind will be active and you will be invited to discover your purpose at a whole new level.

If you already recognize that you have purpose, that you were born for a reason, that YOU are the purpose, then this time will feel like a catapult moving you dramatically closer to expressing yourself with more confidence and clarity.

If you are still in the awareness stage of your purpose, today is the perfect time to be willing to see, to hear and to embrace your true desires as you recognize that your desires have been guiding you the whole time.

It's time to believe that they are possible.

No matter what your focus is, it is a time for mental leadership.

Don't allow your thoughts to drive you, you are the captain of your life.

Direct your thoughts to work on behalf of what you choose to experience NOT what you think the rest of the world wants.

With Love,

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