Divine Compensation
Mar 16, 2022March 16, 2022 - Divine Compensation
Let's talk about manifesting today and the Law of Divine Compensation.
First and foremost, what is Divine? Do you know that you are Divine. You are the Divine in Divine Compensation. You are being energetically, Divinely compensated for the Value you give to the world.
Second, what is value? Value is the the meaning you have given something or someone's worth. Who sets the value? You.
You are Divine, valuable beyond measure BUT...we said it...BUT, you must set the value. Not in terms of a dollar amount. You are not your net worth in the bank. That's a different kind of value. The Universe does not reward you for what's in the bank. The Universe compensates you for your value. You need only decide to be value.
Be value.
Be the expression of value.
Be the embodiment of value.
Value you and begin to act accordingly.
When you believe in your value, you share your value. You share you with the world and the Universe responds to you as valuable.
It really is that simple.
Wealth flows where there is value.
Your Thoughts & Feelings become things that flow into your life based on value.
I love you.
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