How Do You Measure Success?

mystic messages Feb 28, 2022

February 28, 2022 - How do you measure Success?

Good Morning Lovebugs,

If you live longer than anyone else and you have all of the toys and the things and the experiences, will that demonstrate a well lived life?

What if you had to work hard to get all of those things and so you spent your life in a stress state watching love bloom around you, but not in you?

What about having all of the love and passion and connection, will that demonstrate a well lived life?

What if you had to work hard to survive and struggled to pay the bills causing you to live in a stress state watching others enjoy the pleasures and comforts of life?

You were intended to have both, without the struggle. Love and Money are the natural expression of your flow.

You were meant to express together, to grow together, to love together to bring about peace, prosperity, love, and wellbeing for all. To have it all, even for a day is to have lived an extraordinary life!

You can choose flow today by interrupting your focus on the end point of every situation (aka outcomes) and focus on giving and receiving in divine flow with every breath, word and deed.

There is never a means to an end. There are only means. The quality of your life is the meaning of each moment you live by.


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