Is there something bigger going on?

mystic messages Feb 01, 2022

February 1, 2022 - Is there something bigger going on?

Sometimes you present with a feeling of curiosity that helps to lift you higher. This curiosity is centered around the awakening to more.

That moment you question if there is something bigger going on than what you can see, feel and taste.

Perhaps there is more going on in the world, in the universe, in the multiverse and beyond.

In the moment, we can see that you don't recognize just how powerful this awakening is. You usually shut it down in shame or embarrassment. You prefer to have the answers and that stops you from receiving possibilities.

You prefer to HAVE the truth than to discover it.

Not all of you, we know...but most of you. You are still learning to welcome the unknown like a painter welcomes a blank canvas.

You see, dear ones, there are no answers. There is only next. What do I create next? Everything is an answer and a possibility. To progress we invite transparency with yourself.

We invite you to remember that you don't yet understand the things you have not yet experienced. It is in the "not yet experienced" that you find the greatest joy.

As soon as you experience one thing, you want another...better, faster, different.

Yes! We celebrate the diversity of your creativity!

This is why we encourage the curiosity.

Get curious about what you do not yet know today. What you do not yet know about the world, about the Earth, about your neighbors and about you!

We invite you do discover what you love even more today. We encourage you to stop suppressing your desires for "have to," "should," or "to be safe."

Be glorious! Be exuberant! Be curious! Be teachable! Be your own compass for success, happiness, wellbeing...



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