Living the Laws - Access New Potentials Today

mystic messages Mar 21, 2022

What is your current pattern of expressing yourself? Do you hide yourself or openly share or somewhere in between? What would you like your expression to be?

What is your current pattern of wealth? Are you running from past decisions or chasing future opportunities or living in flow? What would like your wealth pattern to be?

What is your pattern of partnership and friendship? Are you connected to people who can be of service to you, who you can be of service to or people you enjoy? What would you like your partnership pattern to be?

Love bugs - living the means you are open to the awareness of your patterns, you acknowledge them with love and acceptance, and you choose to lift them higher by choice, not need.

I choose to love this/me more today.
I choose to be love in relationship with this/them/me more today.
I choose to be the expression of love more today.

New creative potentials will emerge when you direct your thoughts this way. Then, seize that creativity with any "next" action that arises. People and events will assist in shifts today as you replace old patterns with new ones.


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