Living the Laws - The Law of Convergence

living the universal laws Mar 22, 2022

Today we are speaking about that magical moment when things align and come together. That moment when sparks ignite a flame. The moment when and an awareness begins to form a thing.

You Divine Alignment + Your Intention creates a snowball of Universal reactions that, through the Law of Attraction, bring the physical components of an experience together.

Like setting the stage for a play to unfold a scene, the Universe sets up your experience piece by piece until the stage is set for the big performance.

The law of Convergence represents the setting of the stage. The pieces are being delivered for your intention, your desire, your vision.

As the pieces arrive it is no use arguing with the Universe about which piece is delivered first or where the rest of the set is.

Things arrive as fast as they can be delivered and in the order that is most useful.

When convergence begins to occur in your experience you can sometimes stop the flow of deliveries. This happens when you judge, compare or criticize the delivery or the deliverer.

We recommend a practice of acknowledging convergence daily. This can come in the form of a gratitude practice.

Thank you for hearing my dreams.

Thank you for collaborating with me.

Thank you for being a part of my story, my play, my life.

Thank you for all that you bring in response to my alignment.

Be cautious not to judge the results as if your alignment is off. Simply be in alignment daily, be grateful daily, and listen for new inspiration daily. The rest will fall into place and flow will active.

With Love and In Service,

Learning to love yourself more? You might enjoy the journey of the Sacred Self Series. Check it out:

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