Living the Laws - The Law of Levels (The leap, the shift)

living the universal laws Mar 24, 2022

Living the Universal Laws - The Law of Levels

Ascension is real.
Ascension is a choice.

Many of you have been going around in circles your whole life. First you circled around your pain, then you circled around your healing. Now you circle around your confusion.

Many are unwilling to take responsibility for the choice. Only you can make the choice to shift during these times.

Step One: Become aware and observe that you are living in a belief system that separation is the only truth. Right and wrong, good and bad are at odds.

Step Two: Become aware that you can see the unity in all things and embrace the Universal Law of One.

Step Three: Make a decision to be open and curious about what Unity feels like, looks like, sounds like, tastes like.

Step Four: Listen for what you hear, see, and feel. Develop new meaning around your emotions and what they may be telling you.

Step Five: Choose to embody Unity Consciousness. The Universe will guide you along the way with people and resources that will mirror your choice.

There will come a time when humans will forget how separate they felt.

They will embrace the connection that is ever present and they will shape a new reality with you.

It's already started, join them anytime.


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