March 10, 2022 - Decide to Have it Now!

Dearest Lovebugs,

The question we receive more often than any other from humans is, "when will it happen?" What they are really asking is, "will it happen?"

We always respond in the same way, "when will you decide to have it?"

You see dear ones, the only way we can support your dreams is if you are willing to fill your energy bodies with the coherent state of your dream. Are you willing to think and feel in the same direction as your dream? Are you willing to feel what it feels like and let it in to every cell of your being?

When your body is activated in alignment the universe is activated in response, in resonance, and in attraction. The whole universe is with you, drawn to you.

Today feels like a pretty good Now for you to have what you want. Set a timer for 3 mins. Sit quietly and focus your mind and your heart together on what it feels like to have your vision, to have your dream. Sit with it and know that it is here, in you now. Whatever is in you will be outside of you almost instantly. There is nothing else to do for you to activate your dream.



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