2-22-2022 - Portal of Possibility

Dearest Lovebugs,

A portal of possibility has opened. What you have been waiting on, moves into action. What you have been healing can be released. Where you are headed asks for your creativity.

Decide to be free of past patterns today. This assist in seizing today's creative energies.  Creation of what you believe in will be turned up full throttle. 

You will find yourself clearing the remnants of insecurity as you seize a new level of fearlessness to bring your vision to life.

When we work with the 2's it is important to remember that they are mirrors of the self. We have 6 mirrors arising today, each representing the 6 key perceptions of reality: Self Responsibility, Shame, Family Patterns, Relationship Patterns, Addiction & Control, and the 4 Core Wounds (Abuse, Neglect, Abandonment, and Loss). You are playing these perceptual mirrors out with each other like a grand performance. Today, these mirrors will reveal themselves to you personally and globally. 

It is time to heal family patterns and awaken to creativity. You have been using your creative fuel to argue, defend, judge and worry. You will see the potential in shifting focus to what you love and a creative storm will be unleashed throughout humanity. 

Those who have shifted their perceptions are living in the new paradigm already. You will experience a boost of creativity, excitement and hope. Be with that energy in a flow state and the energy around you will amplify and support you. Let yourself be guided by your desire, your passion and your curiosity. Let the universe do the rest. Least effort wins today.

This portal that opened this month will reveal many things, collectively, over the next 6 months and will come to a dramatic close in September. How you approach this time will result in incredible power and momentum or anxiety and decline - perhaps a splendid mix of both. 

Leverage this energy by directing all thoughts to the next highest potential. Re-word and re-wire today. Be an amplifier for intention and possibility and the universe will be an amplifier of abundance.



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