January 21, 2022 >> Gratitude Rampage - Timeless Message!

Dear Ones,

We find that there are very few things that need to change for you to be free from burden, suffering and disappointment. These things are all about paradigm. Do you believe that the world creates you or that you create the world?

If you believe the world creates you, then you experience the deep pain of abandonment, neglect, loss, and abuse at the hands of the world. You believe that you owe the world or the world owes you. If you struggle with money, the body, or the world outside of you then you are carrying a misunderstanding within the cells of the body.

You, my loves, create the world. You do so with your love or your fear. To adjust your experience simply adjust your point of view. 

The world does not owe you and you do not owe the world. 

It is a great joy to be in flow with the world and benefit greatly from gratitude. Gratitude is felt when you give without expectation and receive without entitlement, attachment, guilt or justification. When you receive, you owe nothing. When you give, nothing is owed to you. However, the flow of experiences between you and others is why you are here. It is fun to be in flow.

You have been shown by your recent elders how to control, manipulate and be in servitude. This has created the paradigm of suffering. However, practicing gratitude in motion (aka Divine Compensation) you can shift your paradigm in no time!

1. Consider 3 ways you can give today without expectation.

2. Make a list of 100 ways you could receive today.

3. Take moments throughout the day to witness the gratitude flowing in the body. What does it feel like to be debt-free in the body? This is what will be mirrored in your life soon enough!

4. Then - and very important - go on a receiving rampage! Notice everything around you and witness that it is giving to you right now! What do you receive from your plants, your light fixtures, your pets, the sun, the chair, the laughter of children....

Set yourself free by activating a thinking and feeling pattern of gratitude in motion by witnessing the receiving more consciously and obsessively. This will bring in more and more and more and more.



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