December 29, 2021: What's the Reflection of Your Love?

Lovebugs - Good Morning and Happy Wednesday!

Taking your own self love higher, doing the personal work, and holding yourself accountable has always been a bit of a scary undertaking. The growth invites uncertainty about what will change around you. You may have worried about the price others around you might pay as a result of the changes. Will they still love you? Will you still love them? Will I lose people, things or experiences?

The answer was always, yes. You would make big changes and you could never have imaged just what or who would be important players in that change. However, nothing is wrong or going wrong. These changes were inevitable and welcomed.

People are meant to be with you during suffering and pain.

People are meant to be with you during pleasure and joy.

People are meant to be with you in times of change.

People are meant to be with you in times of great expression.

People are meant to be with you in times of great celebration.

It was never written that they would be the same people in all experiences.

The only person who would be a constant for you, is  you.

This is why we say over and over again that the relationship with you is the most important. If you want love, be the love for you and be open to meet others in that frequency. It is this simple; yet, for many a brave choice. The mind has been seized by an illusion that your value and worth are measured outside of you. So, you embodied insecurity instead of confidence. As the illusion falls away, the love flows with more ease.

Let it fall away...let them fall away...let them fall toward you. Let your reflections of self love reveal themselves while you receive the feedback with gratitude. Let the gratitude flow today. Offer yourself the experience of a gratitude rampage - honor all of the mirrors whether they are coming or going. Love you and love them all. Never, dear one, be afraid of the change.



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