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Receive a free, powerful mindful, activation session with the creator of QUE, Joy Kingsborough. She will guide you through the process of awakening to your Essence and the YOUniversal power that is within. 


Change your life in as little as 5 minutes a day! Experience daily guided sessions with our Advanced Manifestation Mentors who will help you merge with and integrate your Essence into your physical body.

Lifetime CommUNITY

Being with others in a collaborative, connected, and caring community will help you make the deep transformation that you have been seeking while sticking to your new practice of Advanced Manifestation.

Join QUE30 and Activate Your Essence

Join anytime and go at your own pace. Begin Anytime. Repeat as often as you like. Absolutely free!

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As Seen in QUEing Up Magic

Become an Advanced Manifestor when you learn to use QUE in alignment with the Universal Laws of creation. Joy's new book is an introduction and invitation to this powerful technique.

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